We have all heard of - and probably been (or will be at some point) a part of the mom wars; whether as the mom yourself, the husband/ significant other or the other person in the argument. In today's society, it seems like the media is pushing the separation of the moms out there as if having a unified force of women is a disaster waiting to happen- and i suppose it is.
Women of today are so busy trying to be the perfect mom and wife and woman that society keeps shoving down our throats that we have no time for ourselves let alone other women and valuable relationships, causes and cares.
Televisions earliest images of women were contented house wives and mothers. Women whose sole pleasures came from providing a life for her family. even when later the wife did work outside the home the husband and children always came first and the women were always perfectly coiffed with immaculate homes.
You never saw a toy out of place and a errant child was quickly turned around with a sound word or two. In todays media we see an entirely different view of motherhood- the battlefield. from even before one gets pregnant women are harked on about thee "vital" issues.
What will they eat? Wear? will you continue to work?
and I have been on both sides of all three arguments and the media plays a huge role in the animosity between loving mothers who all in the end only want whats best for their baby.
Why would the media care?
From the millions of books sold on how to do everything baby related to talk shows, self help gurus and all around consumerism built around the my parenting is better than yours strategies the media is making a killing by making new moms feel like a failure no mature what choice they make.
We have all heard of - and probably been (or will be at some point) a part of the mom wars; whether as the mom yourself, the husband/ significant other or the other person in the argument. In today's society, it seems like the media is pushing the separation of the moms out there as if having a unified force of women is a disaster waiting to happen- and i suppose it is.
Women of today are so busy trying to be the perfect mom and wife and woman that society keeps shoving down our throats that we have no time for ourselves let alone other women and valuable relationships, causes and cares.
Televisions earliest images of women were contented house wives and mothers. Women whose sole pleasures came from providing a life for her family. even when later the wife did work outside the home the husband and children always came first and the women were always perfectly coiffed with immaculate homes.
You never saw a toy out of place and a errant child was quickly turned around with a sound word or two. In todays media we see an entirely different view of motherhood- the battlefield. from even before one gets pregnant women are harked on about thee "vital" issues.
What will they eat? Wear? will you continue to work?
and I have been on both sides of all three arguments and the media plays a huge role in the animosity between loving mothers who all in the end only want whats best for their baby.
Why would the media care?

As long as the kid is healthy, happy, and well balanced their is no "Best" way... its the way that works best for you and your family that is the ideal choice